Thursday, November 15, 2007

Random thoughts about Israel

1. Mc Donald's does not have a Dollar Menu here - it cost us $15.00 to buy dinner tonight.
2. Nazareth is up on a hill and very rocky.
3. People use their car horns to communicate.
4. You can't get cheese on a hamburger here - it's not kosher.
5. The pigeons have big poop - trust me, I was blessed by a Nazarene bird today - down my shirt, arm, hand, etc.
6. You don't want to live near a mosque. The muslims pray 5 times a day - over a loud speaker - it's really loud.


Kristy said...

The bird poop is making me laugh. It would have been a good belly laugh cry if I had been there but than I would have helped. I must have cheese and I would love a daily five reminder to pray, for about 1/2 a day

Kara said...

What about Diet Cokes with ice? Just want to know if I should ever visit.

Sarah said...

I am sorry about the poop! I have never been to Israel, but at the beach once a bird pooped in my blue cheese salad dressing...

I'll just let that sink in... I wouldn't have known if I didn't see it!! :) I hope you got clean.