Tuesday, September 25, 2007

What is WRONG with me???

I am some kind of freak show right now! In the last 10 minutes I have been in and out of several work out clothes - trying to find something to wear for the triathalon on Sunday. Right now I'm sitting at the computer in my wetsuit - trying to decide if it is comfortable and if I can actually move my arms in it to actually swim. I've tried taking it off as fast as possible in hopes that my pants won't actually come off at the same time - which is a huge possibility!! I've also tried to explain to Jim that "cellulitiness" is actually a word as I show him several outfits that do not help my "cellulitiness". What is WRONG with me and why did I ever think that a triathalon was a GREAT idea!?!?!?!?!


Kara said...

I am sure you will look gorgeous with or without your pants! Can we come watch and cheer you on? We will look away when you change!

Heather Hammond said...

It's a pretty early morning Kara :-)
You can cheer us on in spirit or come and see me cross the finish line looking like a tomato!

Kristy said...

I think you look hot. A Strong fit powerful runner is what you are. I just hope to keep up with you. You heart running. Go hard or go home. I may just go home.

berrytribe said...

ok-but you do get props. I'll be at home thinking about you. You'll actually be DOING it! Go Get 'Em, Girl!!

TK said...

This is funny Heather. I've been known to go through several outfits and lose some sanity in the process just for an average outing, I can only imagine how I would be if I was doing a triathlon. You change to your hearts content, maybe you will have even more peace that morning from being so prepared.

Becky said...

I feel that, Heather. This will be fun, I hope we don't forget to have it! You're going to do great.

Sarah said...

Can I come and take pictures?? :)

JK... you will be awesome, whatever you decide to wear. :)