Monday, March 12, 2007

Parenting Question

So, Joshua saw a bee last Saturday in the backyard and now he is petrified. He's loosing his mind about bees!!! He's wearing long sleeve shirts everyday, he's covering up with his towel to go in the pool and he's talking about bees and what they do, why they sting, etc. every day since. I basically want to yell at him - which isn't a great parenting technique. Any advice on how to handle a 5 year old who doesn't want to go outside because there "might be a bee out there"? Summer should be fun if he keeps it up!


TK said...

If he is anything like Rhett I would just say ride it out. He's bound to get over it in his own time, hopefully that is sooner than later.

Thanks again for letting us come and swim today. We had fun.

Heather Hammond said...

Crazy thing is after the gym today he tells me, "I'm not afraid of bees anymore" and he acted fine at the pool today. Go figure! Just when you think you know what's going on - they trick you!!!

Becky said...

I was going to say I thought he acted great at the pool yesterday. I guess everything passes with time.

Steve Faiai said...


Hey friend, i think you've got plenty to blog about that we would love to read and learn from in the day and life of the Hammond household. So i thought i'd comment to give you a little nudge. Looking forward to hearing from you soon!
